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Biostimulants as fertilizers for every crop

Biostimulanten The best fertilizers

Biostimulants make plants stronger and more resilient to abiotic stress factors in particular. Examples include stress caused by over-watering or dehydration, or stress caused by extremely high or low temperatures.  The addition of biostimulants improves the crop's ability to absorb nutrients. Also, all nutritional processes of the crop are optimally stimulated. This results in an improved quality of the crop with a higher yield.

Various organic bio-stimulants

There are several organic additives that can be counted as biostimulants. Examples include:

Humic acid
Fulvinic acid
Seaweed and algae extracts
herbal extracts
Microorganisms such as: Beneficial bacteria and Mycorrhyizal fungi.

The most commonly used biostimulants

Humic fulvic and amino acids, like seaweed extracts, are already frequently added by various nutrient producers. The added value of using these raw materials have long been recognized by growers around the world.

Biostimulants from organic extraction

But there is more, much more. There are still countless botanical additives that can be used as biostimulants.  Many botanicals contain plant hormones in addition to various nutrients. The use of synthetic hormones is prohibited. The use of organic hormones obtained from plant extracts is not.

Natural PGRs (Plant Growth Regulators).

Plant hormones are natural plant growth regulators (PGRs). These plant hormones are molecules without any nutritional value. They serve as signaling agents and stimulate the crop to exhibit a certain specific behavior. For example, one will stimulate root growth where another will affect fruit set.

Using organic extractions

Gen1:11 has been looking into the use of various extracts in its products for some time. Besides the usual biostimulants common within the plant food industry, we dived deeper into the world of plant extracts.

Within the cosmetics and health industry, numerous extractions have been used in various products for decades. By first looking at what is desirable during a particular period of growth and flowering, we have begun to look at crops that contain those specific nutrients or plant hormones.

Silicon from horsetail Equisetum arvense

This is how we extract organic Silica from horsetail. In our search for organic Silica, we first started working with extraction from nettles. Using nettle extraction by cold tea has long been used by many gardeners. However, the horsetail, labeled by many as a nasty weed, contains more Silica than the nettles. 

Salicylic acid and Auxins from Willows - Salix Alba

From the bark of willows we extract Salicylic Acid and Auxins. Salicylic acid is a natural defense that makes the plant more resilient and thus healthier. Auxins, in the right amount, stimulate root formation. Thus, a lower concentration will promote root growth and a higher concentration will promote flowering.        

Triacontanol from Alfalfa - Medigago Sativa

Alfalfa contains a wealth of nutrients that have been shown to be beneficial to plant growth. It contains the following valuable nutrients, among others; Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, iron, boron, copper and zinc - Vitamins and amino acids.

In addition to all these valuable nutrients, alfalfa also contains a powerful growth stimulator - Triacontanol. This is a powerful organic growth hormone.  This powerful natural growth stimulator supports overall growth at every stage of crop development.

Gen1:11 a complete fertilizer line for every creator

Gen1:11 has added a range of water-soluble biostimulants to the basic Organo mineral line and do not need to be purchased separately. At each stage of growth and flowering we have added specific biostimulants. Thus, as a creator, you have a balanced nutrient line supplemented with nature's most valuable stimulants. Biostimulants can be given with the feed water, as a foliar feed or added to the growing medium.



In none of Gen1:11's products use synthetic PGRs (Plant Growth Regulators)


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Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, algae and some bacteria convert light energy into energy in the form of glucose. This process mainly takes place

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