Feeding chart Organo-Mineral nutrients

Growth chart Gen1:11 Best plant nutrients for flowering and fruiting plants

Mixing instructions: Values ml/10 liter water. EC values are total including tap water with 0.4 EC This schedule is only a guideline. Many factors can influence the optimal fertilization. *Repeat in case of extra weeks

Foliar Bliss**: The use of Foliar Bliss is optional. Although we understand that foliar feeding is not always possible in every situation, we still recommend using it (10ml per liter). Foliar Bliss contains organic extracts that have a beneficial effect during the early flowering phase. To get an even better leaf nutrition you can mix it with Solid Green (1ml per liter). Spray once a week and spray lightly, just before nightfall. Your plants will love it.

Step 1

Gen One Eleven
Fill the tank with water.
Gen One Eleven
Measure Wholly Base
Gen One Eleven
Add to the tank
Gen One Eleven
Mix well

Step 2

Gen One Eleven
Measure Solid Green
Gen One Eleven
Add to the tank
Gen One Eleven
Mix well

Step 3

Gen One Eleven
Measure desired additive
Gen One Eleven
Add to the tank
Gen One Eleven
Mix well
Gen One Eleven
Adjust the pH to 5.8 - 6.2

Slow Release Organic Mixes

Gen One Eleven

Create a fertilising plan for your specific situation.

The fertilising plan depends on various factors, such as geographic location, composition of the soil, weather circumstances, the crop, rain fall. With your own input as a creator and our instructions, we will help you put together an ideal fertilising plan.

(1) – Outdoor Grow – Basic fertiliser–
You can add this basic fertiliser from March to July. Add the fertiliser while you plant the crops, or right before. The fertiliser will work for 11 to 14 weeks. 

(2) – Outdoor Grow – Additional fertiliser – Now that you know when the Basic fertiliser will no longer be effective, you know when you need to add additional fertiliser. Do this up to two weeks before you start fertilising with Gen1:11 Outdoor Bloom. If these two fertilising periods (1&3) overlap, you do not need to use additional fertiliser. 

(3) - Outdoor Bloom - Fertiliser – Determine the moment when you expect to start harvesting. Fertilise with Gen1:11 Outdoor Bloom 11 to 13 weeks before the harvest.