Growth stages of flowering plants

The first stage of your plant's development is the germination of the seed. In order for the germination process to take place, the right conditions must be met. The right temperature and humidity are conditions that must be met. The hard shell of the seed becomes soft and the embryo inside the seed starts to develop. The resulting germ will develop into the root system and the germ of the shoot. Through the development the seed coat will be broken open. The first leaves will soon form and look for the light. We now speak of a seedling.
As soon as the first small leaves appear on top of the cotyledons, the seedling phase begins. In this phase the roots are further developed and spread in the soil.
During this phase you should be careful not to overwater the plant. The plant still has small roots and can absorb little water. A too wet soil can cause the roots to suffocate and rot. If there is less water in the soil the roots will look for water themselves. This makes the roots go deeper into the soil. This stimulates the root development.
Vegetative phase
The plant has settled down. The shoot is getting more leaves and the roots have spread through the soil. The plant is now in the vegetative phase. Also called the growth phase. In this phase the plant will start growing rapidly. The plant is now busy with photosynthesis. By photosynthesis sugars are produced. These sugars are used as energy sources for the growth and flowering of the plant. The plant now develops a strong foundation for the flowering phase.
Reproduction phase
Om voor nageslacht te zorgen zal de plant moeten gaan boeien. Hiervoor zal het bloemen of vruchten moeten produceren. De bloeifase zoals de reproductiefase meestal genoemd wordt bestaat uit twee fases. De vroege-bloei. Dit is de periode waarin knoppen worden gevormd. En de fase waarin de bloemen gaan rijpen tot grote en compacte bloemen.
During the first 3 to 4 weeks of the (early) flowering phase the plant will continue to grow to some extent. In this period the buds will be formed. The formed buds will develop into flowers. These flowers will get a growth boost and will mature during the last phase of the flowering.
During each phase of growth and flowering, the plant needs a specific composition of nutrition. Gen1:11 has formulated the right nutrition for each phase. The Organo-mineral nutrition line is unique in its kind. All elements are in the right proportion in the products for each period. In addition, the products are enriched with various organic extracts. This makes the plant more resistant to stress factors and a stronger resistance. In addition, the organic extracts contain natural growth and flowering hormones. A healthy plant that can develop optimally.