Brix in relatie tot gezondheid en kwaliteit van gewassen. De zoete wetenschap van Brix.
Brix in relatie tot gezondheid en kwaliteit van gewassen. Brix-waarde verwijst naar het meten van oplosbare vaste stoffen in plantensap, voornamelijk suikers. Deze Brix-waardes worden gebruikt als een indicator voor de gezondheid, groeikracht en het gehalte aan voedingsstoffen van de plant. Hoge brix-waarden geven aan dat een plant voedingsstoffen effectief heeft opgenomen en gebruikt. Dit leidt tot een betere groei, opbrengst en weerstand tegen ziekten en plagen. Door de brix-waarden te controleren, kunnen telers hun teeltpraktijken, zoals bemesting en irrigatie, aanpassen. Hiermee kunnen ze de gezondheid en productiviteit van de plant optimaliseren. Bovendien worden hoge brix-waarden in fruit en groenten vaak geassocieerd met een betere smaak en voedingskwaliteit. Hobbykwekers en kleine kwekers zullen doorgaans geen gebruik maken van het meten van brix-gehaltes van gewassen. Dit in tegenstelling tot grote professionele en specialistische kwekers in de land- en tuinbouw.
High Brix levels in plants indicate different desirable traits.

What do brix levels say about the condition of crops
Brix measurement and optimisation
Achieving and maintaining optimal Brix levels requires careful attention to several important factors, including soil health, nutrient balance, water management and environmental factors. Growers can apply various techniques to improve Brix levels in their crops, such as:
Soil amendment: Balancing soil pH and enriching soil fertility with organic matter and/or mineral supplements can enhance nutrient uptake and improve Brix levels.
Balanced nutrition: Providing plants with a balanced diet of essential macro- and micronutrients tailored to their specific needs promotes healthy growth and improves Brix levels.
Water management: Ensuring adequate hydration while avoiding water stress is also crucial for maintaining optimal plant health and Brix levels. Proper irrigation practices can help conserve water and promote even moisture distribution.
Avoid stress factors by optimising environmental factors as much as possible. The right temperature, light spacing, humidity and air circulation are some of the factors that should be controlled crop-dependently.
Brix levels in plants are the result of complex physiological processes related to photosynthesis, nutrient uptake and metabolism.
Brix-values are closely linked to photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into chemical energy. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) from the soil, using sunlight to convert these raw materials into glucose and oxygen. Glucose, a simple sugar, serves as the primary building block for more complex carbohydrates, such as starch and cellulose, which are essential for plant growth and development.
Synthesis of sugar: In plant cells, glucose is synthesised into several types of sugars, including sucrose, fructose and glucose itself. These sugars serve as energy sources for the plant and are transported by the plant through the vascular system, as fuel for metabolic processes and growth. Accumulation of sugars in plant tissues contributes to higher Brix levels, especially in fruits, where sugars are concentrated to attract seed dispersers and improve palatability.